Minds, Eyes, and Ears Wide Open

Jan 21st, 2018

Although there are so many lessons to be had from the collection of excursions and classes that we took while abroad in South Africa, something that sticks with me from our coursework in social entrepreneurship and innovation is the importance of open mindedness. An atmosphere of open mindedness allows creative ideas to flourish. When you see something different than what you are used to, it is easy to turn your nose up or make judgements. It takes true courage to recognize differences in environment and to accept those differences, not compare. The importance of having an open mind became clear in the exercises we worked through while studying abroad. I think that it rang true both inside the classroom when working in groups on brainstorming EPIC moments for a social enterprise, as well as outside the classroom when discussing the cultural differences that we saw in communities throughout the Western Cape versus our lives back home in Maryland. An open mindset is truly powerful because it allows you to listen beautifully. In other words, not listening to respond, or casting judgement, but truly reacting to what is being said in living in that moment. Something that our professor said that reflects this notion was, “No matter where you go, there you are.” Be present. Be open. Be confident enough to share your story and make real, raw connection with people.

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