First week of student life in Manchester

It has been a week since I arrived at Manchester. So far, I really like this city and the people as well. Back in the U.S., I worried I would have a hard time adapting to the new environment. However, AMBS International Programmes Society welcomed me to the school with other international students and hosted many entertaining events, such as city tour and a bar crawl. I can’t wait to find out what they planned out throughout the semester!

Even though I am enjoying my time in Manchester, I would be lying if I didn’t have any complaints. First, the university accommodation (dorm) is located about 15 minutes bus ride away from the main campus buildings. However, the bus system is so well developed, I don’t think I have waited over 10 minutes for a bus yet. The bus costs £1.50 each time unless you get a student bus pass for the semester. Second, the time window for catered breakfast is from 7:15AM to 9:15AM, and from 5:30PM to 7:30PM for dinner. These extremely early and short time windows for food is going to be one of the biggest obstacles here, but I’m sure I will get used to it as time goes on. In my next post, I will cover more about the difference in culture and people in general rather than on the school system. See you next time!


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