On Top Of The World

Although we chose to travel on the cable car to make our way up Table Mountain rather then making the climb on foot, there was a huge sense of satisfaction once we stepped foot at the top of the mountain. This was the day on our trip when I truly began to build lifelong relationships with my fellow students. There’s something about looking down on the beautiful city of Cape Town pointing out spots where we had just been two days prior that was so connecting. My group, of about 6 or 7 of us, was climbing to the edge with butterfly’s in our stomach to capture the view.  Afraid that we might slip and fall we decided maybe that wasn’t the best place to take pictures. We didn’t even realize there was an entire other side of the mountain to venture out to until we meet up with the rest of our group of 20. I am not sure exactly how it started but we then began to share personal and important stories about our lives with each other. I realized this day, on top of Table Mountain looking down on the city of Cape Town, how important it was for me from this moment on to stop and just listen to what my peers had to say.

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