Madrid: Time is Flying By

Wow. Time is flying by. Weeks here go by so much faster than they do at home. I think this is mainly because of all of the traveling that I have done from week to week. Usually, I’ll be in Madrid from Monday-Wednesday, and then on Thursday I leave to go travel somewhere. Then, the next week, it’s the same thing again. I did this for the past three weeks and I am not going to lie, it gets very tiring. I want to spend more time in Madrid, and to take some time to explore the surrounding cities. I’m staying in Madrid for the next 3 weeks so I’m very excited!

Another reason as to why time is going by so fast I think is because this is a new place for me. I think that I am still getting to know the city, pe

ople, and everything that Madrid has to offer. I feel like there is always something to do so I am always keeping busy. Even if my friends are busy, I love to go explore the city and just go for a walk. There’s so much to see!

I still have 3 months left here, which is way more than the average person. Most of my friends go home at the end of April. Even though I have a lot of time left, I still want my days to go by slow so I can really enjoy my experience. I am so excited for the rest of the semester, and can’t wait for the weather to get warmer.


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