Seeing the Coast

As I’m writing this, I’m currently on a train headed north. I’ve come to realize that trains are hugely popular and one of the main forms of transportation here in the UK. In Manchester alone, there are about 5 train stations at different places around the city. Sitting on the train is actually very relaxing and it’s nice to see the landscapes go by. Being in a city with hardly any grass anywhere, it’s sometimes nice to see the fields and farms while on the train.

The past weekend I took a train to a coast city, Blackpool, with a friend that I met who is also on exchange for the semester. The vibe from that city felt like a sort of Atlantic City mixed with Ocean City. I loved the atmosphere and it was so nice to see the beach. As much as I love the city, I have lived in a place with a lot of open land for all of my life. I don’t think I realized how much I would miss it until I didn’t have it anymore. So I really reveled in the sea and grassy areas on our day trip.

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