Europe Study Abroad – Arrival in Berlin and City Tour

By: Abhijeet Jhala, Smith MBA Candidate, 2018

Smith MBA’s made their way through Berlin on Saturday, traveling overnight on Friday and arriving on Saturday afternoon.  Although, folks were tired and jetlagged, they were high on energy and spirits and decided to explore Berlin as soon as they arrived at the Hotel.  The group met at the hotel upon arrival and started the trip by visiting a local café to get a taste of Europe.  In the evening. Our tour guide lead and professor Dr. Charles Olson and Mrs. Olson had planned a welcome dinner at a vibrant local restaurant near by our hotel.  The welcome dinner served as a good way for us to meet, socialize and have a great conversation with our group mates and our professor. 

The next day started with a guided Berlin City Tour.  Berlin is a city of culture, architecture, fabulous food, cutting edge architecture, and a rich history.   Students explored the city and got a taste of history and culture of Germany.  They especially enjoyed the Brandenburg Gate – which symbolizes and epitomizes unification of East Germany with the West Germany. 

We also got to explore one out of the three last standing preserves of the Berlin Wall – which was considered an “Iron Curtain” that separated the democratic western Europe with communist Eastern Europe through the cold war until 1989. 

We’ve had a great day exploring cultural sites of Berlin and we look forward to our business visits tomorrow and exploring the business environment in Germany. 

Follow us on the hashtag #SmithGoesGlobal on Twitter and Facebook and get the latest updates on our program and journey.  Until then, see you soon!   

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