Smith MBA’s Prepare for Europe – Germany & Italy Study Abroad
By: Abhijeet Jhala, Smith MBA Candidate, 2018
- In couple of weeks, Smith MBAs will depart for Europe – Germany and Italy for their immersive component of the Study Abroad trip. There is a sense of both – excitement and impatience amongst the students as they look to breeze through the Spring Term C finals and board that plane for Europe 😊
Study Abroad – Preparation and Core Sessions
Students have been preparing for the Study Abroad – Europe for over past 6 months, and today (March 3, 2018) we have just finished our last in person core session exactly 2 weeks prior to their departure to Europe. The three in person core sessions have allowed students to gain insights into the cross-cultural differences, managerial practices and work environment in Europe, specifically Germany and Italy.
Students were assigned 7 case studies to introduced the economic, political and business environment in Germany and Italy, and I must say the out-out favorite among students was “Porsche: Making of Cayenne” –a case which will come to life as we look forward to visiting the premium car manufacturer in person during our visit to Germany.
Looking Forward
We are very excited to experience a range of cultures and business environments during our academic visits in Germany and Italy. We will begin posting a daily summary of our company and cultural visits to capture and highlight our learnings. Until then, here is one student’s testimony summarizing what she is looking forward to gaining from this experience.
“Upon graduation, I plan to work for a German company and I feel I can learn a lot from the Global Business Course to expand my horizon and work effectively in cross cultural environment, especially Europe”
Link to the video testimonial:
Follow us on the hashtag #SmithGoesGlobal on Twitter and Facebook and get the latest updates on our program and journey. Until then, see you soon!