The Start of Spring Break

Spring Break here in the UK tends to be very long. It’s about 3 weeks long and surprisingly a lot of students don’t go home. It also seems to be a good way for a lot of students to catch up on studying and work because exams will be starting in a few weeks. I should probably do this too. Instead, I’ve been travelling a little alone and with friends to cities in the UK. I plan to later go to France with my sister who is coming to visit for a week. I’m really excited for that!

liverpool, beatles statue

At this point, I think I’m about halfway through the semester. I’m coming home in about 2.5 months, so I feel like I should reflect a bit on my time here. I have definitely really enjoyed living in a city and in a completely different part of the world. The education system is really different here too, and takes some time getting used to, but it works well in my opinion. I am hoping I learn even more about this country and get to see a lot of other cities. I am going to really try to make the most of my time left here in this wonderful country!

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