My Last Full Month in Madrid

Hey Everyone!


It is crazy how much time has gone by and how it is already mid-April! I remember taking an Uber from the airport to my apartment back when I first got to Madrid and thinking: wow this city is so different! Now that I look at my surroundings, the city feels way smaller since I know my way around. This place has become what I call home, and I am not ready to leave yet.

While I still have 6 weeks left, that to me seems like nothing since the total time I’ll be in Madrid is 4.5 months. I remember when I had so many weekends freed up and had to think of how I was going to fill them up and with what trips. Now, I have no weekends left to plan, which is really sad. Going back home is going to be bittersweet.

While leaving Madrid is going to be sad, I’m really excited to see my friends and family back in the States. I’m excited to sleep in my own bed and relax for a couple of days. I still can’t believe how fast it is going by. I actually did not get homesick a lot, which is really good. The most homesick I got is missing friends and family, but not really the country itself.

Madrid is an amazing place that can become anyones home in just a couple of weeks. I’m so glad I chose this city. I feel so comfortable and in place.


Until next time!


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