Perks of Asia

One of the best, if not THE best, perks of doing an internship abroad is having the opportunity to travel to some of the coolest places in the world. Singapore makes it especially easy to travel being only a bus ride away from Malaysia and a short flight from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia. I have been lucky enough to travel to Phuket and Bali so far, both of which were dripping in beauty from the rich jungles to the intricate temples to the crystal clear lagoons and beaches. And as if the scenery wasn’t enough to make me fall in love with those places, the locals were so warm and welcoming, you could really feel how connected they were to their countries.

Huge shoutout to my friend for capturing this awesome moment in Nusa Cenengan, an island south of Bali.

With no homework or studying to do after the workday and 2 days off during the internship, every weekend can be a mini vacation. Should any of you reading this find yourself doing the Global Internship Program, I highly highly highly encourage you to make the most of your summer and explore not only your host country, but the surrounding countries as well – it is such an incredible opportunity to experience the unique cultures that exist outside of your own.

I’ll end this with a few key travel tips to keep in mind:

  1. Planning is everything. Take the time to find the right places to stay and things to do while you’re away, otherwise you might end up paying more and seeing less than you want. Or if you’re like me you might be stuck on the wrong part of an Indonesian island on a public holiday where there were no taxis and no one spoke English:)
  2. Book early. Traveling in Asia can be really cheap if you plan it early enough (ideal time to buy flights is about 8 weeks before your trip), but it can be really pricey if you try to do everything last minute.

  3. Embrace the culture. The countries in Asia have such an beautiful way of life, all with their unique qualities, and keeping an open mind will ensure you get the most out of being here.

I bought this travel guide before leaving for Singapore, and it has led me to some really beautiful spots and top notch food places. Complete with recommendations for hotels/hostels (avg. ~$10/night), eating (avg.~$5/meal), sightseeing and nightlife, this book makes it easy to have a great trip.

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