Num Num Num Num Num… Delicioso!

One of the stereotypes of Americans that I heard a lot of was that we like a lot of fast food, but that has some-what seeped into the Spanish culture. My walk from the metro to my apartment was lined with Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, KFC, Starbucks, The Good Burger, and more. But was interesting is that although most of the fast food chains in Spain are American house hold names, the menus vary to adhere to the local taste. In McDonalds you can order a goat cheese specialty burger, with a side of “McCroquettas”, which is a play on the traditional croquettas of Spain. At Starbucks, they stuck with the local preference of espresso-based drinks, and you would be met with a frown and a grimace if you ask for the special request of a drip coffee, as this is out of the norm. Although I tried to steer away from dining at fast food restaurants, as I wanted to assimilate with the culture that was different from my own, I was happy to find you could still order a standard vanilla cone at Burger King for 50 cents. On the other hand, I did go to 100 Montaditos for Sunday’s €1 bocadillos, with a side of patatas and a cold Tinto de Verano from the tap; now I know why you can find these restaurants all over the city.

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