Two Months in Deutschland

My first two months in Germany have absolutely flown by. I have made lifelong friends, I have traveled to breathtaking cities, and I have made unforgettable memories. Now I know how big of a cliche this is. American student goes abroad, has a “life-changing” experience, and nothing was ever the same. But to some degree, I can relate to this feeling. By immersing myself in German culture,  cuisine, and lifestyle I feel as if I am a much more knowledgeable, open, and worldly person. When I first arrived in Germany two months I was very excited but at the same time, I was quite nervous and scared. Could I adjust to the culture? How will I deal with the language gap? Will I make friends? Flash forward to today. I feel at home in Germany. I went from not knowing a single word of Deutsch to feeling confident in my ability to navigate the country. And I have made so many friends, not only at my university, WHU, but at the so many hostels that I have been to. Everyone here is extremely welcoming and kind and I have just had the time of my life. I have much planned for the remaining two months but I am already feeling nostalgic for my time in Germany because I know it will be over soon. I will do my best to make the most of my trip.



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