Returning from Maryland-in-Barcelona

As my final blog post about studying abroad in Barcelona, I would like to share some of the differences and adaptations I have experienced since returning home. Due to a short semester, I actually flew home about 2 weeks ago. One of the biggest differences I experienced at the end of my semester were the importance of final examinations. At UMD, obviously final exams are important and count for a large part of your final grade. However, at UAB all of my final examinations were worth 50% of my grade, which puts a lot of pressure on one exam. Another challenge I faced towards the end of my trip was cultural changes heading back into the United States. After spending about 4 months in Barcelona, there were lots of habits I got used to including mid-day naps, late dinners and being able to walk nearly everywhere. Since coming home, I’ve had a difficult time adjusting to America’s less laid-back lifestyle. For example, in Barcelona any given dinner could take over two hours since waiters are not rushing to bring you food, drinks or a check. Since being home, I have noticed how many Americans are in such a hurry that they often don’t take enough time to live in the moment and enjoy what they’re doing. Thankfully, everyone working for the Maryland-in-Barcelona program has been very helpful with getting all the logistics figured out for our return home. They arranged an end-of-the-semester meal and ensured we were all set to have our grades and transcripts sent over to the University of Maryland. I am overly grateful for people that made the last 4 months of studying abroad in Barcelona possible. I would recommend this program, and specifically this city, to anyone looking for an incredible experience to take classes while getting the opportunity to see the world and experience new cultures.

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