A Lion City Full of Many Wonders

Level 33 Rooftop Restaurant in Singapore

Prior to leaving for Singapore, I was nervous about being so far away from home. I wasn’t sure if I could adapt to the tight culture and whether I could manage eating the local food without having an allergic reaction.

However ever since I arrived, my experience here has been fantastic. I have amazing roommates who make every day filled with laughter and exploration. I live in a popular plaza that is very close to the train station and the shopping district. Traveling within Singapore has been very easy and if I ran into any difficulties, the local people were very kind to help. Although it has only been a week, I am in love with this city-state due to its modern architecture and diverse culture.

With this opportunity of a lifetime, I was hoping to get exposed to what it was like to live in another country and there is no doubt that my expectations have been exceeded. There are so many interesting places and districts to see that are each unique in their own way. I have also learned a lot about business interactions through my internship with FedEx.

One thing that effectively prepared me for this trip was reading blogs of travelers who stayed in Singapore for a decent amount of time. They talked about their adaptation to the culture and the struggles they endured. These people also mentioned must-see places within the city that enhanced their overall experience. Reading the blogs also helped me come to Singapore with a solid foundation of how to live in the modern, yet tight culture. If I was to do anything differently, I probably would learn basic phrases in Malay to communicate with the local people. This would be very helpful when articulating my allergies at the food courts.

I look forward to my future experiences in Singapore!

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