Mia in Hong Kong — Arrival!
It has been one week since I arrived in Hong Kong. I traveled to Hong Kong three times before for delicious local food, beautiful sightseeing, shopping, and Disneyland—my favorite thing here. All my memories of Hong Kong are relaxing and enjoyable.
Same as before, once I came out of the airport last Friday, what embraced me is a busy city with hot and humid weather. The only difference is that I was nervous this time. Before I left home, I hoped people in this program are friendly so that we could hang out together on weekends instead of staying at the hotel by myself. The good thing is that everyone I have already met is so nice. We spent the first two days together, talking about our universities, our jobs, expectations, etc.
Also, according to previous research, people in Hong Kong work so hard, because society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. They also have a high capacity for power distance. I was nervous about how to start a chat with my supervisors and coworkers. I guessed they might be too busy to spend time talking or teaching me about what should I do. Fortunately, my coworkers not only prepared a welcome lunch for me but also introduced many good restaurants around the office building. For work, they gave me the instructions with lots of details or even taught me had by hand.
I’m so glad to be with these people, no matter new friends or coworkers, and really expect future life in Hong Kong.