Brown Bread & other exciting Irish eats

Ireland has so many wonderful time honored traditions that are amazing to experience, but I would not say that food is one of them. Don’t get me wrong, mutton stew and baked potatoes definitely have a place on the dinner table, but it’s never really anyone’s first choice if you’re looking for an exquisite meal. However, if your society is being subject to torture and violence under British Rule and you can barely afford to feed your family, soda bread and potatoes were the best you could hope for.  

Luckily, Ireland is now a sovereign nation and Dublin has become quite an international city. Being a vegan, traditional Irish food doesn’t really work well with my diet, so I’ve been enjoying the wide food array of a modern European city that is surprisingly very vegan friendly. At this point, I think the only traditional Irish food I have actually eaten was at the airport where I had a vegetarian rendition of an Irish breakfast that consisted of beans on toast and potatoes (simple but filling!). 

Living on a budget has meant that I cook most meals at home and pack a lunch whenever I can, but when I do go out I find myself buying premade sandwiches at a cafe or going to a Mexican place, which for some reason there are a ton of (though the spice level is underwhelming to say the least). In the office, there is a split between buying food out or bringing it from home, and meals vary widely, but one thing everyone seems to have in common is a love of sweets. People bring biscuits and scones into work and people go mad for them, whereas I would get much more excited over a savory snack like french fries or potato chips. 

 I don’t have any pictures of food I’ve eaten, but here are some Maryland cookies that are popular here 🙂 They’re chocolate chip! 

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3 Responses

  1. tdoddapa says:

    I think it’s great that you’re able to find so many vegan options! I can definitely agree with you on the lack of spice.

  2. Sanjeev Jariwala says:

    Wow, I have a lot of respect for you being vegan in a place like Ireland! It’s also so cool that there is a wide variety of food to choose from! Here in Singapore, we have Mexican and Italian restaurants in addition to the local food, but the spice levels are much higher than the food in the United States. What’s the best sweet snack you’ve had so far?

  3. clove1 says:

    That’s pretty cool that they have popular cookies there with the name Maryland. Before you leave, it will definitely be worth it to get some authentic Irish food, even if it can be a bit pricy. I would suggest looking up recommendations to find the best places to go, just to be sure that you can get the experience before you return to the United States. You may find that it can be much better than what you’ve experienced so far.

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