Entrancing Places in Australia


  1. Bundeena Walk

Roughly 30 miles to the southwest of Sydney central is Bundeena. Bundeena is a beautiful village with breathtaking cliffs and beaches. To be specific, Bundeena walk is a moderate trail that stretches along a mountain cliff just next to a beautiful strip of shore. The reason why I chose this place is because it never failed to amaze me throughout the trip.

Beginning the walk with a breathtaking view of the sea standing on a cliff that’s hundreds of feet above the sea surely amazes anyone who has never experienced a view of the sea from the top of a cliff before. It was not only the view from the cliff that amazed me. The natural formations of rocks which protruded from the cliff looked like they were challenging us to take a picture sitting on the cliff. It was an unforgettable experience of nature we all have had in a long time. I am sure this place would surprise anyone who loves nature. Even for someone who is not a nature enthusiast, this place is a masterpiece of nature for them to be interested in.

  1. The Rocks

The Rocks is an area in Sydney which has a great historical importance. The history of The Rocks runs back for several centuries where the major stories cover the early settlements of Europeans in Sydney. As our tour guide explained the stories about The Rocks, it was very interesting to listen to those stories about how people colonized in that area. The main significance of this area now is its old architecture. The early constructions looked very attractive while reminding me of an area from my home country, Sri Lanka, where the Dutch invaded the country in the early 17th century.

It is sad to mention that these buildings with a lot of historical value are being demolished by the government to reconstruct that area. Hence, I chose this place as a place that impressed me, and since it faces a huge threat by the government, I would recommend visiting The Rocks to get a feeling of early centuries in Sydney.

  1. Wentworth Falls

Wentworth falls is an extremely beautiful nature attraction located about 80 miles away from Sydney. The main area which Wentworth falls is located is called the Blue Mountains where you can see thousands of miles of mountain ranges. Wentworth falls is surrounded by breathtaking cliffs where visitors can hike along those cliffs to have a panoramic view of the waterfall. What is special about this waterfall is its natural formation. It is very easy to be on the to op that waterfall since the beginning of the journey around the cliffs is from there. But the true beauty lies at the bottom of Wentworth falls which is a challenging hike. This waterfall is separated into three falls, where the third fall is a hidden one and breathtaking one.

To me personally, it felt like being in a dream of a paradise. The sound of a serene waterfall accompanied by the chirping of birds was the perfect ambiance to relax. Even though the climb is a hard one which takes a little time, it is worth it to give some effort to see the beauty of mother nature that surely makes your tiredness disappear. Therefore, I would recommend visiting this place since it is a unique experience of a waterfall that you can ever get.


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4 Responses

  1. sangyu07 says:

    Hello Kmscsiri, it seems like you are enjoying the beauty of nature in Australia! What you have experienced sounds not only fun but also meaningful in a way discovering more about the geographical history of Australia. I am not really a nature enthusiast to be honest, but your post really made me want to visit each place, especially the waterfall! Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Sanjeev Jariwala says:

    It’s really cool to see how nature and history are shaping your experience in Australia! How long was the hike at Wentworth Falls? Also, how are you getting to these places? They seem pretty far from Sydney. I also think it is really cool how you are able to make connections to your personal life. Enjoy the rest of your time there!

  3. tdoddapa says:

    Those pictures are beautiful! It’s nice that you were able to see a few places outside of Sydney. The first picture reminded me of the Cliffs of Moher here in Ireland. The waterfall looks amazing, how long did it take you to get up there?

  4. jtelesma says:

    Wow! These pictures are amazing! I can not believe you stood on the edge of a cliff like that with no safety harness. I completely agree with your statement that the Bundeena walk is for everyone including non nature lovers. I never viewed myself as a nature lover but after the Bundeena walk, I had a new found appreciation for the environment. The waterfall in the last picture looks nice, but the truly beautiful waterfalls are found in New Zealand!

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