Finding Solace In A Foreign City

Fortyfoot Beach- Dun Laoghaire, Ireland. My younger sister and I stumbled upon this spot while exploring the coastline on a beautifully sunny day in a town just south of Dublin. This unique little beach area gets its name because of the forty feet high cliff that thrill seekers can climb up and jump into the treacherous blue waters below. It is definitely not the faint hearted as a small slip or too short of a jump will almost definitely end in disaster, and even once you are in the water, the shock of the freezing ocean and rough tide is nothing to joke about. The thrill of standing over the edge and building up enough courage to launch myself off with the encouragement of seasoned locals is something I will never forget. 

Christchurch Cathedral- Dublin 8, Ireland. Though impressive historic landmarks are typical of most European cities, it is still amazing to me that I get to walk past stunning churches and towers every single day. Just down the street from my office is Christchurch Cathedral that was found in 1030 and is the oldest building in Dublin. I love stopping by on a nice day during lunch or if I’m a bit early to simply sit on a bench and enjoy the beautiful and peaceful environment. It will never cease to amaze me that such an impressive and important monument is simply a part of my daily commute.  

Stephen’s Green- Dublin, Ireland. Just southeast of the city center, near trinity college, is hidden oasis known as Stephen’s Greene. The outside is surrounded by walls and trees, so walking inside seems like a hidden wonderland of amazing greenery, flowers, and wildlife. I stumbled upon this hideaway while simply following google maps directions to a burrito place, as it is so central that oftentimes walking through is the quickest way to reach a destination. 

The River Liffey- Dublin, Ireland. A central landmark to Dublin, the Quay (river) goes east to west through all of the city. Whenever I am in city centre, if I know where the river is, then I have a good idea as to where I am and where I need to go. Also, the many different bridges that connect one side to the other are aesthetically impressive and all very unique. Whenever I walk across I always take a moment to watch the swans and other birds swim along and fly by. 

Arthur’s Seat- Edinburgh, Scotland. Last weekend, I took a short trip to Edinburgh and my favorite part by far was the peak of an inactive volcano in the center of the city. Not only is the mountain of volcanic rock incredible, but the view is even more so. From the peak you can see the entirety of the city and beyond, and the way the sun was shining through the clouds when I was there was heavenly. 

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5 Responses

  1. Jeff Wexler says:

    It is amazing how diverse the landscapes are around where you live. That cliff jump sounds so crazy, how do you get back onto the cliff? Have you found a lot of hidden spots around the city just from adventuring around? It sounds like you are having a splendid time.

  2. Sanjeev Jariwala says:

    Wow I can imagine that environment you were in prior to jumping off the cliff because I had a similar experience in the Philippines a couple of weeks ago! I definitely would not have jumped if it wasn’t for the support of the locals and my guide. It’s also crazy how you are so close to a building that has existed for such a long time! Enjoy the rest of your time in Ireland!

  3. clove1 says:

    That cliff sounds like it would be a lot of fun to jump off of. I have only ever gone cliff diving once, and that was in Hawaii, but it was a great experience so it must have been great being able to do it in Ireland. It gives an adrenaline rush like no other. Stevens Green seems like a really cool place too, since it seems to be a bit of a hidden gem. Great photos!

  4. Shuhan says:

    Jumping off the cliff sounds so challenging. I think I should also try at least one time in my life. Feel jealous to your work place, because my office locates in an industry area which is noisy and so crowded. Glad to hear that you have been to so many nice places and hope you can enjoy these views again within coming weeks.

  5. tdoddapa says:

    I love the pictures Jordan! All of those places look so beautiful, especially the picture from Dun Leary. I think it’s great that a lot of these places are close to your internship so you get to see them everyday. I think it’s so cool that you were able to get the courage to go to the cliff!

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