Closing out the year in a different country

My study abroad in Manchester is coming to an end. I really cannot believe how fast time has gone by. I have had time to reflect more than I ever had in my life. I have met some amazing people who have honestly impacted my trip in different ways. It’s easy to seclude your self in a foreign land – its actually natural. However, the people I met made me comfortable enough to open up and actually go out of my comfort zone. I have also learned a lot more about myself in regards to traveling alone and doing activities by myself and still having fun. My trip to Milan showcased this and let’s just say it was my most memorable trip.

While I would like to talk about all the fun I had, I also have an immense amount of work.  I am currently in the process of completing my paper finals which are due by Jan 18th – while still balancing traveling to different European countries.  I’ve had 5 papers, 4,000 words each and 2 exams. Although overwhelming at times, I am so grateful to have experienced this trip.

One thing that dawned on me is that I will be closing out the year and starting the new year of 2020 in a different country. I will be in London with my mom’s siblings and some of my cousins. It feels a little weird, to say the least, being that I come from a big family and everyone comes to my house for the holidays. I have never started the new year in a different country before – so this will be an experience. I am excited, nervous, sad, and a whole bunch of other emotions. I am excited to come home because I have graduation to look forward to. This has been nothing short of amazing and I can’t wait to encourage our students at Smith and also University of Maryland students at large, to take the opportunity if they get it. It has changed my life and has allowed me to grow physically, spiritually, and mentally. Each encounter was useful in its own way. Even the harder experiences like adjusting – they taught me patience wins the race. I wouldn’t change this experience for nothing.

I can honestly say, I have gained family and friends in a nation foreign to me. The best thing that I could’ve done while being abroad was visiting neighboring countries. I got to experience London, Spain – Barcelona & Madrid, and Italy – Milan. I am beyond grateful for seeing the world and being able to capture it in my memories and in my photos. If you are ever studying abroad in a European country please try to visit nations nearby! It can be very cheap and the experience is so worth it. The pictures below show you just how happy I was doing so.


My friend ( Eryka Edmund) saw via Instagram that I was in Italy and that she would also be here touring. I found out she was singing in Milan less than 10 hours before her performance and she ended up being only 25 minutes from me. It was so beautiful seeing her perform and live out her dreams.


My other friend Eyong and I went to go see Christmas lights and get a Christmas Meal at a tapas spot. It was amazing and I am so glad to have met her in Manchester. 

I took lots of selfies too, and they hold memories behind them.






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