Down to Business

Classes have ended this week and it’s time to starting getting in the zone of studying for upcoming exams. My exams span a three week period, so they’re pretty spread out. But I have 4 exams to study for and a lot of material to go over. I just finished up a very tough week with 3 essays and a project due all around the same time. I decided to treat myself to a little retail therapy at a large shopping mall that’s just outside the city center.

This mall is absolutely beautiful. The foodcourt area looks and feels like you’re on a cruise ship and the entire theme and decorations in the mall feel like you’re in a high-end hotel. There’s fountains and palm trees and gold railing for the stairs. It was definitely a nice break from the projects and essays.


The start of exams means the end of the semester, though. And that’s a little bit upsetting. It’s very bittersweet to think about. I have really enjoyed my time here and I’m going to miss it a lot. It’s become a place that I feel is a piece of “home” now to me. But on the other hand, I’ve also missed my home back in Maryland too. I’m going to try to make the most of the next month that I’m here in Manchester while I’m studying and after exams. But for now, I got to put my mind to what’s important, which is my education.

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