Good News!
6/30/18- MY USA BUDDY IS HERE NOW!! ROOMMATES! FRIENDS! Finally, someone to go out to eat with! Disclaimer: don’t be misled by my extreme excitement. NZ is extremely welcoming so don’t be concerned if...
6/30/18- MY USA BUDDY IS HERE NOW!! ROOMMATES! FRIENDS! Finally, someone to go out to eat with! Disclaimer: don’t be misled by my extreme excitement. NZ is extremely welcoming so don’t be concerned if...
Recently I was asked what is my favorite thing about Madrid so far. There are so many things about this city that make it amazing, but I replied with ease…”the architecture”. As per my...
6/21/18- It’s weird to think I’ve been here a week doing basically nothing and that I have to be wake up at 7 and be at WORK every day at 9am. It was a...
Traveling to a new country can always be a little unnerving, especially when it comes to getting around. Some destinations are high risk for violence, terrorist activity, and even unexploded landmines (like Laos and...
Early Saturday morning, I found myself running through the streets of Madrid, uncharacteristically late to catch a bus to Valencia. Without my morning coffee, my fuel was running low and I almost gave up,...
How should someone with no work experience that doesn’t speak another language and has never been to Asia spend their summer? What’s better than doing an 8-week internship in Singapore?! I’m Sam, and...
6/2/18- After 27 hours in the air… I’ve arrived! It was a lot of ups and downs. My first flight (BWI ->SFO) wasn’t able to touch down on the airport so we were in...
Hi there, I am Emma Nold. I just finished my sophomore year studying international business at the Smith School. It is unclear to me whether I am studying abroad because I am studying international...
To start off, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ivy and I’m a rising junior tripling in OMBA, Finance, and Economics. This will be my second time abroad with UMD and my first...
I have traveled across the world for leisure, service, and school, but I have never worked abroad until now. An internship abroad in an unfamiliar culture is quite different. The local culture and beliefs...