Current Student Spotlight – Marc Kramer (Q17)

Interview Conducted by Manas Kulkarni

Marc Kramer currently serves as the President of the Quest Student Organization (QSO) and is a proud member of QUEST Cohort 17!


Since you’re in Cohort 17, describe Marc Kramer in exactly 17 words:

Very excited to actively take part in helping to improve and to build upon the QUEST community.

Which of your presidential goals do you see most difficult to achieve?

We are trying to plan a QUEST formal, however, there are many factors we must work around.

When did you enjoy QUEST the most?

I enjoy all that QUEST has to offer, but I am most proud of QUEST when talking to my friends from other schools. None of my friends have a program of this caliber in their school and it is great to take classes that urge you to pursue what you want and encourage your individuality.

What do you see for yourself post-graduating?

Not sure yet. I am considering Law School, but ideally I would like to be an entrepreneur and start my own business.

What would you like to see from the new cohort?

I would like to see the new cohort get involved and take advantage of all QUEST has to offer. There are plenty of opportunities, whether it is through the selections committee, QSO, becoming a mentor, helping to set-up for events, or using your connections to benefit QUEST. Also I would like to encourage the new cohort to hang out outside of the classroom and get to know each other. Networking is one of the building blocks of QUEST.

If you were elected President of the United States, what would the first sentence of your inauguration speech be?

I am very honored to be elected for this position, but I would like yield this position to Dr. Bailey as I feel that he is a more qualified candidate then I am.

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