Interview Conducted by Manas Kulkarni (Q18)
1) What’s one (shareable) thing we don’t know about Karthik Menta?
I was born in India and I moved here when I was eight years old. So you would think I moved to some big city, like Houston, but I ended up in Muscatine, Iowa (population 20,000). It’s probably one of the biggest reasons I like corn so much.
2) What’s been your most memorable QUEST moment?
When I was in China, all of us went to the Bund (waterfront) in Shanghai. Taking pictures with everyone and just taking in the beautiful Shanghai skyline at night was fantastic and very special. (We even had an Ocean’s Eleven moment!)
3) What are you looking forward to in your remaining years of QUEST?
I look forward to meeting Quest members that are not in my cohort. Also, I’m really excited to take on the senior QUEST project, and put to test all of my skills that I’ve learned over the years through the program.
4) How does the post-Terp life look for you?
I hope to go on to graduate school and get an MBA. However, I would really like to start my own business and have it take off. Hopefully, that million dollar idea will hit me right after I graduate.
5) If you could describe QUEST to a freshman, what would you say?
It’s like family; it’s exciting and puts you in a position to let your creative juices flow.
Bonus Question: Can you explain the picture with Bill Murray?
So, I skipped the first week of college my freshman year to play in a PGA Tour tournament at Pebble Beach in California. At the tournament, amateur golfers, like Bill Murray, George Lopez, and the CEO of Walmart, were all there and I was able to talk to them and get to know them. So, I took the chance to take a picture with Bill Murray.