Article by Brian Bender (Q5) – Student Focus Team, Communications Lead
As we approach the ninth month of the QUEST Alumni Board (“QAB”) it appears that we are well on our way to creating a significant and impactful addition to the QUEST community. In the last QUESTPress from June, the QUEST community learned about the Alumni Focus Team (“AFT”). It is my turn to discuss the Student Focus Team (“SFT”).
The SFT’s mission is to:
Connect current QUEST students with QUEST alumni using educational, extracurricular, and formal/non-formal events and programs.
The SFT wants to ensure that current QUEST students have the ability to interact with alumni, alumni have the ability to give back to QUEST, and current students understand that during their transition into their post-QUEST endeavors they have a group that supports them.
The SFT is looking to piggy-back off of the success of the first QUEST Student-Alumni dinner, which was held in March, by planning another one for early next semester. This event sat alumni at tables with current students to discuss a wide variety of topics, including current QUEST classes, changes in QUEST over the years, post-graduation and summer vacation plans, etc.
Other events being planned are a football tailgate (being arranged by Josh Davis), alumni participation in QUEST Orientation and participation in co-curricular QUEST events. A few informal events being considered include paintball, bowling, happy hours, volunteering (Habitat for Humanity), etc.
One recommended event the SFT has undertaken, which is being led by Megan Harvey, is a resume review session. The initial thought is to have alumni come back to campus and hold an event in a classroom type setting where current QUEST students are able to have their resumes reviewed from the perspective of a potential employer. This event is planned for next Wednesday, August 31. If you’re interested in attending, send an email to
Lastly, I would like to discuss the mentor program that the QAB is trying to initiate. The SFT and the AFT are beginning the joint process of determining a structure for this program. The teams have designated representatives who will be gathering benchmarking data on existing mentor programs at different businesses and outside work settings. Kyle (SFT) and Yana (AFT) will bring their findings back to the QAB for discussion. This is a significant undertaking, and the QAB wants to ensure that the program selected/created will fulfill all of the needs of the members in the QUEST community.
If you have any questions, or comments on the SFT, events or programs noted above please contact the QAB at questalumniboard@gmail or Student Focus Team Communications Lead Brian Bender at
The QAB Student Focus Team members are:
Brian Bender, Kyle Bodt, Jenna Cohen, Josh Davis, V-Khye Gideon Fan, Megan Harvey, Justin Schwartz, Matt Thomas, and Marc Kramer (QSO President).