QUEST Recruiting

QUEST Recruiting Picture

By Drew Stasak

In the quest for new students to fill cohorts 23 and 24, the QUEST Recruiting team has been hard at work promoting the program and encouraging students to apply. Recruiting utilized three main tactics: word of mouth, tabling, and info sessions. Word of mouth was our primary focus and it was how 43% of the applicants heard about QUEST. Tabling sessions consisted of QRecruiting members stationed in high traffic areas to reach Clark, CMNS, and Smith students. We handed out flyers to interested students and encouraged them to come to the information sessions to learn more. This year we completely redesigned our presentation for the info session. At the info sessions, we met a lot of awesome people, and with the help of some QUEST ambassadors, gave these prospective students their first design challenge. After tasking them to innovate the Ramen noodle eating experience and improve the biking experience on campus, we received some amazing responses, ranging from a noodle cooling fan to a bike lock stored in the handlebars of normal bikes! We can say with confidence that the applicants of Q23 and Q24 will not disappoint. The recruiting efforts were a complete success with over 200 applications submitted for the program!

Many don’t know but QUEST Recruiting does more than just promote QUEST. Currently there is only a showcase of the work students have put in for 490, so we are creating one to celebrate all of the best accomplishments from QUEST in the past year, including class projects, the student groups in QUEST, and more. We are very excited about this event, and will keep you updated on it’s progress In addition, QUEST Recruiting will be making new videos to inform corporate sponsors, prospective students, and the general community about the benefits of the QUEST Program. We will need help from a lot of people with the video, so if you are interested in helping, please e-mail Drew. We are confident that the future of QUEST Recruiting will be a bright one. Thanks to everyone for all of their help this year!

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