5 Things to “Fall” Into the New Season For

Leaves are changing colors from a dark green to a deep burgundy, pinecones are falling from trees, and pumpkins are popping up on doorsteps. Yes, it’s that time of year again, FALL!

As a college student whose main transportation around campus is walking, fall has become my favorite season. During the summer, I can’t step outside without sweating, and in the winter, I layer on one hat, two pairs of pants, and three jackets and still can’t get warm. Fall is perfect in the sense that I don’t overheat the minute I step outside, but I also don’t feel the need to cling onto my coat while anticipating my walk to class.

So, why does QUEST love fall?


Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup. “I love everything pumpkin,” says David Rosenstein (Q29). I must say, I agree. You also can’t forget about pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, and my personal favorite, pumpkin seeds! Even Charlie Brown eagerly awaits for fall so he can see the Great Pumpkin!


“I really like Halloween, it’s my favorite holiday,” says Jack Startuvent (Q29). “I love carving pumpkins, watching Halloween movies, and eating candy corn. I can’t wait to dress up with my 190H group for Halloween!”

I’ve got to say, for me the best part of Halloween is the movies. All year, I look forward to binging Thirteen Nights of Halloween on ABC Family! I love watching every single movie, especially Hocus Pocus.

Sports Season

“Fall is the beginning of a new sports season,” says Adam Hostetter (Q29). “I like that Hockey season finally starts again.”

For sports fans, fall also means the start of football season! At the University of Maryland, the common argument is whether you’re rooting for the Ravens or the Redskins? I’ll be honest, I’m a Baltimore Ravens fan through and through.

Fall Fashion

Fall also introduces a whole new mix of clothes into our everyday style! “I like that I get to wear big, cozy sweaters,” says Zach Azrael (Q27). In my town, you know it’s fall when everyone is walking around in their plaid shirts and Timberland boots. However, if that’s not your style, you can choose from “bombers and denim and raincoats and wool and sportcoats and cardigans,”says Brian Yuwen (Q28). “And scarves. Can’t forget scarves.”

QUEST Loves Fall

Whether you like the season because it’s the start of football or because it’s the end of the hot summer, I think we can all agree that everyone loves fall. So bundle up into your cutest sweater and grab a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, it’s time to get ready for my favorite season, fall!

I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely “falling backwards”  from excitement!


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