A Virtual Hug to Cohort 35!

There’s nothing like the excitement of QUEST camp to get the semester going. It doesn’t matter if camp is at Camp Letts or at Camp Zoom, getting welcomed into the QUEST community is such a wonderful time for a new cohort. And it’s safe to say that Cohort 35 has made history with its virtual camp. Nonetheless, our favorite QUEST camp traditions were still continued along with some new activities. Despite some modifications, pilot products, skits, and improv were still fan-favorites – and Cohort 35 was even able to do a virtual escape room! 

The week before the semester began, camp lasted between 10am-1pm or 2:30pm with optional 7-8pm activities from Monday through Friday, so students had extra time to get to know each other. Lunches were arranged so that individuals with similar interests, majors, etc. were all jumbled together to have a chance to meet. Of course, the logistics were very different from other years, but the commitment to giving QUESTees a memorable experience shone through the entire week. 

Some feedback from Cohort 35 member Aaliya Husain included, “The genuine care that the QUEST community demonstrated for our cohort throughout the week was a great start to the semester and my time with QUEST. I can’t wait to get to meet everyone in person!”

This experience could not have been accomplished without compassionate educators and mentors. Regardless of Zoom fatigue, mentor Kurnal Saini (Cohort 33) mentioned that “the team building exercises Dr. Armstrong and Rachel planned were very successful in bringing the teams together.” 

“As a mentor, it was very rewarding for me to see how a new team and new cohort were able to become noticeably more comfortable around each other over the course of 5 days, despite only meeting virtually,” said mentor Grace Zhang of Cohort 31.

Lastly, mentor Gesna Aggarwal (Cohort 32) emphasized that even with its differences, camp went very smoothly. Special shoutout to Gesna because she was on my 190H team!

To Cohort 35 – the next couple years in the QUEST program will be some of the most formative in your life. Take advantage of being surrounded by amazing, motivated, intelligent, and talented individuals. Push each other and enjoy every minute. Welcome!

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