It’s that time of year again! With everything transformed into a new, virtual normal, it’s time to start showcasing student organizations that have seriously had to pivot as a result. This article specifically will focus on… *drum roll* virtual business fraternity rush!
At the surface, it does not sound very exciting. But, the four Smith School business fraternities have had to spend countless hours on logistics to ensure a successful recruitment for organizations that are near and dear to them. There are four business fraternities at UMD: Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi, Pi Sigma Epsilon, and Phi Chi Theta. All four are open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors enrolled in a four-plus-one program this semester!
From personal experience, I recall not really understanding what a business fraternity was until I joined one. This may be unsettling, but I challenge you with, do you really understand any potential experience until you actually go through with it?
For me, it became about surrounding myself with motivated peers that push me professionally and personally. Cliché, I know. But alas, this is similar to QUEST, is it not? And believe it or not, there is a distinct overlap between QUEST students and business frat members at UMD. My personal philosophy is that, if you challenge yourself to be uncomfortable among a new group and meet even just one person that you click with, that experience is a success.
If I still have you reading, I’d like to highlight some QUEST students from each business frat on why they are thankful they rushed.
Alpha Kappa Psi, Heather Bacon, Cohort 33: “I would say my favorite part is making friends that you can have fun with but also get professional help from, especially having joined as a freshman.” AKPsi is open to all majors at UMD, not just Smith majors!

Delta Sigma Pi, Molly Carroll, Cohort 32: “I joined DSP my freshman year in order to expand my network and further develop my professional skills. There are a ton of job opportunities through DSP — I was actually referred to my current job through a brother. I’ve also met some incredible people and some of my best friends through DSP.” Anyone enrolled as a business or economics major or with any business intent can rush!

Pi Sigma Epsilon, Jess Cronin, Cohort 32: “When I joined I didn’t know a lot of people in the business school so I loved that I got a group of friends that made going to class and even walking through the hallways so much more enjoyable. PSE is also open to all majors so I got to meet people that I never would have otherwise!”

Phi Chi Theta, me (Arianna Minas), Cohort 32: I echo everyone’s sentiments and can genuinely say I would not be where I am today without the experiences, advice, and memories I’ve made with the people in my business fraternity. Anyone with business intent (even a minor) can rush PCT.

All four are fantastic organizations that allow students to express themselves and grow through learning from one another. Rush each one and see for yourself wherever you like! Good luck to all those rushing!