QUESTech Explores Careers in Tech

One of the newest QUEST student organizations, QUESTech, has kept the great events coming this semester by engaging some wonderful alumni to continue the conversation on careers in tech. The most recent example of this was the QUESTech Tech Talk on Wednesday, October 7th.

Varun Mohan (Cohort 28), Amy Liang (Cohort 24), and Bernard Ng (Cohort 10) virtually joined to discuss their respective roles at Robinhood (Varun & Amy) and Uber (Bernard). The talk covered topics ranging from what a regular day looks like to how to find your way in the tech field. The most valuable way to learn about a prospective career is to hear about it from people who live it everyday! QUEST is so fortunate to have alumni who are willing to take time out of their days to serve as role models for current students.

Current QUESTech co-lead Tania Arya (Cohort 33) shared, “Having alumni from QUEST was especially helpful because they used to be in our shoes, and it was interesting to see how they were able to navigate their career after graduating.” Being that we have these shared experiences with our alumni, it is that much easier to connect with them.

Amod Mathur (Cohort 33), another QUESTech co-lead, noted, “The Tech Talk was especially great because we had a diversity of roles spreading from Software Engineer to Technical Program Manager, and one actually had switched from consulting to tech, so it was encompassing of students wanting to point their career trajectory in tech or even consulting, regardless of their major.”

In case you missed this event and are filled with regret, no need to fear! Use the QUEST Directory to your advantage and reach out to these alumni if you are interested in software engineering, product operations, and managing technical programs. You can also tune in to upcoming QUESTech events! QUESTech is planning a QUEST hackathon/datathon, which will consist of prerequisite workshops relating to data science concepts beforehand, so non-tech students can get exposure to working with data prior to the hackathon! This will be a wonderful way to get involved and get exposure with data science. And if you are well-versed in data science, you can help out your fellow QUESTees and enhance your understanding through leading workshops and talking through concepts.

Lastly, be on the lookout for a new “QUEST Intranet,” that will be spearheaded by QUESTech. The Intranet is planned to be the ‘one stop shop’ for all things QUEST, and QUESTech is currently working on a minimum viable product to present to the Quality Guild later this fall. After gaining some feedback from the QUEST community, a prototype will be debuted next semester. Exciting things coming!

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