Senior Send-Off

Senior Send-Off – the annual event where soon to be QUEST veterans gather to celebrate their three years of experience. An event where memories of 190 teams are rekindled, silly superlatives are announced, imitations of fellow QUESTees are made, and wine is shared with Dr. Bailey. But this tradition and event are so much more. Senior Send-Off is a celebration of the entire cohort’s accomplishments, experiences, and motivation. It marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

This year, the seniors of Cohort 18 were honored at Layton’s Chance Vineyard in Vienna, Maryland. Layton’s Chance is owned and operated by Jennifer and William Layton, both members of Cohort 1. So the 20 year strong QUEST spirit was well and alive throughout the event. Seniors were treated to a tour of the winery, exclusive wine tasting, and outdoor BBQ. Each person probably noted many individual aspects that were “QUEST-like.” However, one particular notable aspect – on the doors of all the offices there were inspirational quotes about leadership and teamwork. QUEST!

Overall, this year’s Senior Sendoff was an amazing experience and gave Cohort 18 an opportunity to celebrate the past three years and look forward to many more great years to come. After leaving the winery that day, I felt so proud to be friends with such talented, genuine, and motivated individuals. To each member of Cohort 18, I wish you all the very best in all your endeavors. We will forever remain a Cohort despite differences in geographic location. And to the Quality Guild, thank you for teaching and supporting us for three years. All your hard work has paid off and we promise to keep you updated. Congratulations Q18 Class of 2013!

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