Current Student Spotlight – Rita Wu (Q16)

Interview Conducted by Manas Kulkarni (Q18)

Rita Wu

Rita Wu

1) What would her closest friends say about Rita Wu?

She’s a fun-loving gal who keeps herself busy 24/7 whether it’s school, QUEST, Gemstone, Sigma Psi Zeta, learning new recipes, watching TV shows on end, or playing table tennis for Maryland.

2) What has been your favorite QUEST class, electives included?

By far, I’d say that BMGT490H was the best class I’ve had in college. I learned so much, and so unexpectedly! Most importantly, I gained the confidence that I was capable of adding value to whatever I choose to do. Plus, the cohort that I started with 3 years ago has turned into some of my best friends as well as the best team members I could ask for.

3) What would be your ideal summer break?

Beach, Books, and Beauty. Nothing beats tanning under the clear and sunny sky on a beach, reading some great romantic comedies, and treating myself to the spa. Total relaxation.

4) If you had to watch an entire season of any TV show in ONE sitting, which show would you choose?

Most recently, I’ve been loving Nikita. Each episode ends on a cliff hanger so I’m always dying for a week to watch the next episode. Girl power rules!

5) What words of wisdom do you have for the incoming cohort?

Seize every opportunity you get because there’s always something to be learned and college will be over before you know it! =(

Rita Wu (right) competes in the College Table Tennis National Championships

Rita Wu (right) competes in the College Table Tennis National Championships

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