Reflections on an Epic QUEST

Article by Meenu Singh (Q19)

As I sit here pondering the necessity of Differential Equations in the grander scheme of my existence, it is all too easy for my mind to drift to thoughts of sunny skies, shimmery sand, sultry samba, and savory steak (ironically, we learned that in the land of Brazilian barbeque, the Outback Steakhouse franchise is becoming quite popular….go figure).  It is almost unfathomable that a mere month ago, I was approximately 5,000 miles away in Brazil, immersed in a world of such distinct culture and awesomeness.

QUESTers enjoy the Brazilian beach

As a civil engineering major with absolutely no experience in the realm of business, my time in Brazil was for me was one of firsts:  Never in my life had I sat in a company’s board room, toured production facilities, seen quality-management tools put to large-scale use, or met with company executives.  Nor had I ever had hands-on experience with a business-focused project:  My project team’s particular focus was on marketing a product to the Brazilian market.  In our time doing fieldwork, conducting interviews, interacting with Brazilian locals, and creating presentations, I was able to learn about the connections between culture and the consumer, marketing strategies, and everything in between.

Looking back, however, I realize that perhaps the most meaningful lessons I learned were those about Jeitinho, or “the Brazilian way”—In Brazil, business is relationship-centered, based on the meaningful connections one makes with others.  This human-centric approach to business is very unique, especially considering our common conception of the cold impersonality of corporate life.  As we learned from our company representatives, it is common for staff and clients to know each other on a personal level, right down to knowing the birthdays of each other’s children.

Students gather in a company board room

We experienced this phenomenon first-hand.  At each company visit, our group was showered with hospitality and care.  Company representatives made concerted efforts to meet each one of us, and we were able to solidify bonds with individuals that will hopefully remain for many years to come.

Jeitinho is attained when one lives passionately, and this passion is manifested in all aspects of Brazil, including its impressive monuments, playful beaches, and delicious food. Everything and everyone in Brazil brims with creativity and vibrancy.  Thus, the beauty of Brazil is in its culture:  It is one based on the notion that kindness, compassion, and a positive outlook on life will lead you to success.

So, as I examine my notes on Euler Method Approximations before my next class, I recognize that though my tan lines have since faded, I hope that I have been able to bring back a bit of the Brazilian vivacity for life back to the States, for it was this cultural element that made this trip, for me, much less of a mere “study abroad experience” and much more of an epic QUEST.

Enjoying the sights in Brazil

(A special thank you to all of my fellow Brazil trip-goers and organizers for making my time “Doing Business in Brazil” such an unforgettable experience!  You are the best!)

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