Article by Jeff Jacobs (Q17)
As the tenuous tittles of time trickle tenaciously towards the terminal task of my Quality Enhancement Systems and Teams Noble Threefold Path to Enlightenment, I have many hopes, fears, and questions about what exactly this final act of QUESTlightenment entails. Cogitating my apprehension one day whilst grazing the hallways of Van Munching Hall, I came upon a burning copy machine. After taking my sandals off instead of pulling the fire alarm for some reason, I heard the voice of the great JP Beezy (Dr. Bailey), the QUEST deity himself, speaking to me from the incendiary consumer electronics device in his characteristically soothing yet attention-grabbing tone: “[490] will be a great opportunity for students to take what they’ve learned in QUEST and in their majors and apply this to a real-world consulting project. My hope is that students realize how much trust we put in them to work with our corporate partners and make good decisions about what to do and how to do it. My job–and the job of all the QUEST staff and faculty–is to support our student teams in accomplishing their goal of successfully completing a great project and appreciating how much they are learning in the process. [Now go, tell the people of my teachings and bring them out of 390 land and into Seniorville!]”
Next thing I knew, the flame had been extinguished, and the copier had not been consumed! The only indication that anything out of the ordinary had just occurred was a single bowtie on the top of the copier. Placing this aberration of the laws of thermodynamics in the back of my mind for future speculation, I ran to tell fellow cohort seventeenian Reeta Francis of this Van Munching Miracle. Upon finding her in her natural QUEST lab habitat, she tells me that she, too, had been spoken to by the great Beezy of the QUESTlightenment, and that since the miracle all she could think about was how excited she was to finally “be a top dog in QUEST, ARF ARF!”
Feeling somewhat disturbed by this sudden outburst of unbridled canine emotion, I left the QUEST lab to find a nice quiet place to mull over the overwhelming experiences I’d encountered that day. Finding myself in Cornerstone, I pull a chair up to the bar, order a tall pitcher of Everclear, and begin to work through my thoughts. I think, what do I expect to get out of my senior year in QUEST? What have the past two years been preparing me for? Upon completion of my third pitcher, it hits me: all I could ask for from my senior year would be to finally see the confidence I’ve built up in myself and in my fellow QUESTees come to fruition in the successful tackling of a real-world problem. After two years of learning each other’s strengths, weaknesses, talents, aspirations, and passions inside and outside of the classroom, we will finally have the opportunity to come together and experience firsthand just how important diversity in all of these aspects is for true innovation.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what I am excited to see next year. Always remember, in the words of the late great James K. Polk, “keep swaggin’ on the hundred thousand trillion, QUEST.”