Guest feature by Annie Ni (Cohort 39)
At the break of dawn on January 23rd, the newest QUEST Cohort—Cohort 44—embarked on an unforgettable journey, setting out for their orientation retreat at YMCA Camp Tockwogh in Worton, MD. The crisp winter air and snow-covered trails served as the backdrop for two days filled with team-building, problem-solving, and the formation of lifelong friendships. Returning as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for another group of bright, eager students, I found myself navigating the snowy terrain of a new camp, excited for the experiences ahead.

Upon arrival, students were greeted by the enthusiastic YMCA staff before being introduced to their teams and mentors for the semester. From there, they launched into a dynamic three-activity rotation designed to foster collaboration and innovation.
One of the highlights was “Pilot Products,” an interactive session where students were challenged to conceptualize and present innovative solutions—a fitting preview of their first course in the QUEST program. As students brainstormed and pitched their ideas, their enthusiasm and creativity set the tone for what promises to be a transformative experience in the program.
Meanwhile, on the ropes course in the snow, students engaged in classic team-building exercises led by camp staff. These activities, ranging from balancing on a small block while singing “Happy Birthday” to hoisting teammates across a seven-foot-high plank, pushed teams to rely on communication, trust, and collective problem-solving. By the end of the session, bonds had been forged through laughter and teamwork.
After warming up back at the main conference center with snacks in hand, students dove into their final challenge of the day: “Ready, Set, Launch.” Armed with cardboard, tape, scissors, and rubber bands, teams constructed catapult-style devices, competing to launch ping pong balls and marshmallows with the greatest accuracy, distance, and power. The friendly competition, filled with strategic adjustments and enthusiastic cheers, made for an unforgettable afternoon.
As night fell, the group gathered indoors for a well-earned evening of relaxation. A bonfire crackled as students roasted marshmallows for s’mores, while others bonded over board games and impromptu ping pong matches—an easygoing close to an action-packed day.
Day two began with an unforgettable wake-up call—an energetic mix of the Angry Birds theme song and clattering pots and pans, courtesy of the ever-spirited TAs and mentors. Once breakfast was served, students rehearsed their product pitches, leading up to their first QUEST presentations. The culmination of their efforts resulted in compelling and creative pitches, with the standout team—Chips and QUESTo (Javier Coleman, Noah Gonzalez, Joanne Lee, Sydney Luong, and Sereen Aridi)—earning the coveted QUEST Padfolio for their outstanding performance.

The retreat concluded with an insightful session led by QUEST Program Coordinator Emily Marks on communication styles and team development stages. This discussion provided a crucial foundation for the challenges and collaborations Cohort 44 will navigate in the months ahead. With newfound confidence and strengthened connections, the cohort returned to campus, ready to embark on their QUEST journey.
From innovative challenges to moments of camaraderie around the bonfire, the retreat at Camp Tockwogh set the stage for an incredible semester ahead in BMGT/ENES 190H. As Cohort 44 steps into their next chapter, they do so with a shared experience that will shape their time in QUEST—and beyond.