If you’re reading this, I hope that you are hanging in there at home and making the most out of your time. An important thing to remember is that the QUEST community is still here for you, and there are so many exciting activities being held to spend time together while apart! A poll was sent in the Facebook group to gauge people’s interests in various online events. QUEST held several this month and will continue to hold virtual events moving forward:
Campus Recruiter Panel
The panel was held on April 20th and featured recruiters from Stanley Black & Decker, Adobe, and Accenture. There were 25 students on the call who had the chance to submit questions and hear from recruiters. Students were then divided into breakout rooms to have smaller group conversations with a recruiter!
Student Leaders Panel
A presentation was given on April 30th from QUEST students who are also student leaders on campus! Doron Tadmor (Q29), Gesna Aggarwal (Q32), Eitan Isser (Q32), Rishik Narayana (Q31), and Jacqueline Deprey (Q30) all answered questions about the organizations they are involved with including TAMID, Bitcamp, Images, SGA, Technica, ODK, and Survivor Maryland.
Trivia Nights and Movie Nights
QUEST Social hosted movie and trivia night events! Dr. Bailey led the trivia night as alumni and students were separated into breakout room teams to answer questions – a super fun way to test your trivia knowledge and get to know peers and alumni.
Exit Interviews
Exit interviews were conducted online via Zoom. Jess Roffe, our assistant director, met with over 50 seniors to gather feedback on their experiences and test their QUEST knowledge with one final team activity.
Office Hours
The Quality Guild has pivoted to online Office Hours, which will continue over the summer. Sign up to meet with Dr. Bailey, Dr. Armstrong, Jess, or Rachel to discuss whatever is on your mind.
Senior Sendoff
Here come the water works. Senior Sendoff is a tradition held every year to honor the graduating seniors of QUEST that have dedicated so much to our community. The farewell is typically an event in D.C. but was modified to fit the current circumstances. But don’t worry, this year’s event had tons of laughs and tear-jerking moments as we honored Cohorts 29 and 30.

Over 50 graduating seniors attended the Zoom call, which was led by two seniors, Joyce Zhou from Cohort 29 and Olivia Wolcott from Cohort 30. There were nostalgic slideshows, “thank yous” from various QUEST members, superlatives voted on by the cohorts, and last but not least, awards from the guild. Congratulations to the following seniors who earned the prestigious awards:

At the end, Cohorts 29 and 30 were separated into their own breakout rooms to celebrate with one another and reminisce one last time as an undergraduate cohort together.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020! We will miss your leadership, dedication, and most of all, seeing you around the QUEST Lab. An extra thank you to Kara Eppel and Celine Moarkech (both Cohort 29) who have led QUESTPress for the last few years and have put their all into this student organization! We will miss you!