QSO Welcomes You

Dear QUEST Community,


Welcome back to a wonderful and exciting semester!


Over the summer, QSO has planned some quality events for the rest of the year, and we hope to give you a brief idea of what’s in store for the Fall.  Our events this semester are going to have a professional spin to them and our aim is to further develop your networking and leadership skills while having fun at the same time.


The kick-off event, QUESTZone Bowling, was held on September 30th at TerpZone in the Stamp Student Union. Bowling and pizza was a great time for all involved, as students across cohorts bonded in their attempts for the top score.


At “Hacking the Interview”, you will get the opportunity to meet with QUEST alumni from various backgrounds (business, consulting, engineering, comp sci, etc), who will then conduct mock interviews for positions within their companies.  This will give you a good idea of what to expect when you’re actually at an interview with these companies.


If your thirst for competition has not been satisfied at QUESTZone or would like another opportunity to get revenge, don’t worry because we are bringing back our QUEST Laser-tag event by popular demand. This year’s theme is going to be Humans Vs. Zombies!  We expect everyone to start training for the battle now.


These events only provide a small glimpse of what you can expect throughout this semester.  We have even bigger plans for a secret event we will unveil very soon… so be on the lookout!


Finally, we also would like to formally welcome our new colleagues in Cohort 21 and 22!  QSO will be sending out the application shortly, and we hope to bring in new members to our leadership team.


Looking forward to seeing you all this semester!



Your QSO Leaders


-Eric Coraggio – Q20

-Kenny Lopez -Q20

-Cheryl Rosenberg -Q20

-Sara Bleistein – Q19

-Meenu Singh – Q19

-Aditya Sridhar – Q19