Opening receptions at the Gallery always remind me of a quote from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald:
“In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.”
Now, this quote isn’t exactly indicative of what goes on in the gallery on these nights. Instead of champagne, we have Arnold Palmer and egg rolls. The gallery is indoors, so the only light from ahead doesn’t come from stars, but the track lighting on the ceiling. And categorizing our audience into such strict gender binaries (especially for this exhibition) is more than potentially problematic.
But the tone set by this quote – the ambiance – feels the same on opening reception night. For three hours, swaths of people cycle in and out of our modest but dignified glass-encased showroom. The space fills with the murmurs of guests’ reactions to seeing the featured pieces. Sometimes these responses include shock, awe, and affection; other times, there is nothing but quiet reverence and contemplation. Then, the bodies in the room filter out and float away, others come to take their place, and the cycle continues.
Tonight will be an opportunity to celebrate the presence of another eye-opening exhibition in Stamp Gallery — Queer Objectivity, curated by Kris Grey. We hope you will join us and add to the whispering over a glass of good old Arnold.
-Geena Gao
10/25/13 UPDATE: The photos from the Opening Reception are up! Check them out on our Facebook page, leave comments, and don’t forget to show that “like” button some love!