If you’re seeking a PAID summer internship that offers hands-on research experience in the behavioral and social sciences, the BSOS Summer Research Initiative (BSOS SRI) is for you!  

The BSOS SRI provides rising juniors and seniors with an 8-week intensive research experience in all 10 of our BSOS departments: African American and Africana StudiesAnthropologyCriminology & Criminal JusticeEconomicsGeographical SciencesGovernment & PoliticsHearing & Speech SciencesProgram in Neuroscience and Cognitive SciencePsychology, and Sociology.

The application deadline is February 10. Take advantage of winter break to prepare your application—it’s a great opportunity to advance your academic and professional goals. Click here to learn more
If you have questions, please contact the SRI Coordinator, Brittney Robinson at brobins7@umd.edu.