Organizers: Jacob S. Hacker, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Paul Pierson, and Kathleen Thelen

If you are an advanced graduate student (ABD), post-doc, or junior faculty member interested in APE, we encourage you to apply (deadline: February 24). If not, we hope you will share this call for applications with potentially interested parties, especially with your graduate students, post-doctoral, and junior faculty colleagues.

The academy will be held at UC Berkeley, May 28-31, 2025. Travel, meals, and lodging expenses will be covered. Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to:

(1)   Learn the foundations of an APE approach to important topics in political science;

(2)   Participate in guided discussions with leading faculty in the field around several key issues in APE, including race, local governance and housing, labor politics, political parties and political economy, and American political institutions.

(3)   Share research in progress and research designs for feedback;

(4)   Join a community of other scholars interested in pursuing research on the American political economy.

Applicants should submit a C.V. and a cover letter (no more than two pages) describing their relevant research interests in APE and how this workshop will advance those interests. They should also submit a relevant research paper (either work in progress or already published work). For graduate students, the C.V. should include classes taken.

Please submit these materials here by midnight (eastern time) on Monday, February 24. We anticipate selecting 16-20 participants; applicants will be informed of the status of their applications by the end of March. Email any questions to

Further information is available on our website: We look forward to eager applicants and an enriching event.