Title IX Training

Title IX Training – Open to USG Community

Federal and state laws require training for staff, faculty, and students in preventing and responding to sexual misconduct at colleges and universities.

Therefore, as a staff member, it is important that you understand your rights and responsibilities under the university’s nondiscrimination policies, including any specific reporting obligations you may have under the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

This training will help you further USM’s commitment of promoting a learning and working environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.

In addition to that, training in certain professional and interpersonal skills can help to create a more productive and respectful work environment, and help prevent the kinds of workplace conflict that can lead to complaints of harassment and discrimination.

*USG employees are strongly encouraged to attend the Title IX training. You will also have the opportunity to meet with our new Employee Relations Representative, Myron McNair.

Presenters from the UMCP Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct:
Director and Title IX Officer, Catherine Carroll,
Training Manager, Kevin Webb,
UMCP Staff Relations Representative, Myron McNair

When: July 19, 2017 (9:30am – 11:00am)

Where: Building III, Room 3202

National Administrative Professionals Day

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!!

University Human Resources is presenting the 2nd Annual Administrative Professionals Conference. Participate in a day of professional and personal development, as well as networking. Gain food for thought on ways you can leverage opportunities for personal, professional and team success with new approaches for mindset, process and systems by attending sessions related to wellness, career development, and/or workplace effectiveness.

Theme of the conference: “A World Of Opportunity”

Speakers: Mary Harrison from Mary Harrison Consulting, Robert Grimm from UMD’s Do Good Institute, & More.

 When: July 26, 2017

Where: University of Maryland – Stamp Student Union (#163)

Learning Fee: $65

Limited spaces. Register today! For more information, contact UHR Learning & Talent Development at 301-405-5651 or email Lauren Pazornick at lpazorni@umd.edu.

PRD Training

We are offering PRD Training on Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Room 2125 (turn right at the IT desk)

  • 09:00am – 10:45am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD)
  • 11:00am – 12:00pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • 01:00pm -02:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Training
  • 02:45pm – 03:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: Managing Time & Attendance
  • 03:45pm – 04:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: The Disciplinary Process

       Please use this link to register: Register now