Prior to UMD
- Y. Liu, J. Schmidt, Z. Liu, D. R. Leibrandt, D. Leibfried, C.-w. Chou. Quantum state tracking and control of a single molecular ion in a thermal environment. Science, 385, 790–795 (2024).
- M. A. Nichols, Y.-X. Liu, L. Zhu, M.-G. Hu, Y. Liu, and K.-K. Ni. Detection of long-lived complexes in ultracold atom-molecule collisions. Physical Review X, 12(1):011049, 2022.
- (Invited) Y. Liu and K.-K. Ni. Bimolecular chemistry in the ultracold regime. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 73:2022, 2021.
- G. Quemener, M.-G. Hu, Y. Liu, M. A. Nichols, L. Zhu, and K.-K. Ni. Model for nuclear spin product-state distributions of ultracold chemical reactions in magnetic fields. Physical Review A, 104(5):052817, 2021.
- Y. Liu, M.-G. Hu, M. A. Nichols, D. Yang, D. Xie, H. Guo, and K.-K. Ni. Precision test of statistical dynamics with state-to-state ultracold chemistry. Nature, 593(7859):379-384, 2021.
- M.-G. Hu, Y. Liu, M. A. Nichols, L. Zhu, G. Quemener, O. Dulieu, and K.-K. Ni. Nuclear spin conservation enables state-to-state control of ultracold molecular reactions. Nature Chemistry, 13, 435–440, 2020.
- Y. Liu, M.-G. Hu, M. A. Nichols, D. D. Grimes, T. Karman, H. Guo, and K.-K. Ni. Photo-excitation of long-lived transient intermediates in ultracold reactions. Nature Physics, 16(11):1132-1136, 2020.
- (Invited) Y. Liu, D. D. Grimes, M.-G. Hu, and K.-K. Ni. Probing ultracold chemistry using ion spectrometry. Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(9):4861-4874, 2020.
- M.-G. Hu, Y. Liu, D. D. Grimes, Y.-W. Lin, A. H. Gheorghe, R. Vexiau, N. Bouloufa-Maafa, O. Dulieu, T. Rosenband, and K.-K. Ni. Direct observation of bimolecular reactions of ultracold KRb molecules. Science, 366(6469):1111-1115, 2019
- M. Pravica, L. Bai, and Y. Liu. Hydrazine at high pressure. Chemical Physics Letters, 555:115-118, 2013.
- M. Pravica, N. Bhattacharya, Y. Liu, J. Robinson, W.-S. Au, T. Mizoguchi, Z. Liu, and Y. Xiao. High pressure infrared and x-ray Raman studies of aluminum nitride. Physica Status Solidi (b), 250(4):726-731, 2013.
- M. Pravica, Y. Liu, J. Robinson, N. Velisavljevic, Z. Liu, and M. Galley. A high-pressure far-and mid-infrared study of 1, 1-diamino-2, 2-dinitroethylene. Journal of Applied Physics, 111(10):103534, 2012.
- M. Pravica, L. Bai, C. Park, Y. Liu, M. Galley, J. Robinson, and D. Hatchett. Note: Experiments in hard x-ray chemistry: In situ production of molecular hydrogen and x-ray induced combustion. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(3):036102, 2012.
- M. Pravica, L. Bai, C. Park, Y. Liu, M. Galley, J. Robinson, and N. Bhattacharya. Note: A novel method for in situ loading of gases via x-ray induced chemistry. Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(10):106102, 2011.