Laboratory for Radiation and Polymer Science

Al-Sheikhly Lab Group, University of Maryland College Park

University of Maryland to host “International Conference on Seawater Uranium Recovery” in July

Uranium-px8y27From July 19th through July 22nd, the University of Maryland and the first “International Conference on Seawater Uranium Recovery,” a conference dedicated to the sharing of science and ideas surrounding the extraction of uranium from seawater. Attendees will include scientists from across the country and the globe from both universities and national laboratories. The conference will have a number of themes including (1) Uranium Coordination Chemistry and Computer-aided Ligand Design; (2) Thermodynamic, Kinetics and Modeling of Uranium Sorption Behavior; (3) Adsorbent Synthesis and Structure Characterizations; (4) Materials Performance Assessment in Seawater; and (5) Marine Deployment and Technology Cost Analyses. The majority of events will be hosted in the Kim Engineering Building. Registration for the conference can be found on the conference website.

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