Belgian Opinions on Brexit
I finally landed in Brussels and I am more than excited to see what this city has to offer. I couldn’t wait to understand Brexit and how it has socially affected residents in Brussels. I decided to take a walk around the hotel, just for me to get an idea of what spots are around me so that I can better prepare myself for the next day. I accidentally found the Grand Place where all the biggest and most significant towers surround each other to make one big center. Being that it was my first day in Brussels, I’ve never seen that many people before in one place. I thought to myself, what if I asked others about their opinion on Brexit and if it has affected them in any way. I won’t lie, I was a bit nervous. I quickly got myself together and allowed my curiosity to take over. I got my confidence together and walked up to the first residence I made eye contact with
“Hello sir,” I said. “I’m studying abroad from the University of Maryland about Brexit, I wanted to know if you had any thoughts on Brexit?”, I asked. The guy looked at me as if he was shocked that I actually wanted to hear his opinion. He went on and on to explain himself. I eventually asked five more locals and turns out that they all had similar opinions. One side didn’t want the United Kingdom to leave the European Union because they believe they can’t survive alone as a country. Some said if the United Kingdom wants to leave, they better leave but remain in the European Union single market deal. I was actually glad that I communicated with a residence all on my own. The conversation was very long but worth the while. Overall, it was very nice to hear other opinions about Brexit and their beliefs. I was really glad I took that walk and I learned a lot of insight on peoples’ opinions. I can’t wait to learn more about Brexit throughout the week.