The Importance of Balance in the Life of Akshita Alousyes

If there’s one thing that I could say about Akshita Alousyes, it’s that she means business. I guess that’s perfect since she is a business major. But seriously, as an Information Systems and Accounting double major in Cohort 40, she is definitely busy. So, let’s see how she can prioritize commitments during the chaos of midterms and all the other stress that school can bring. 

Akshita Alousyes (Cohort 40)

To start, she walked me through a typical day in her life. When first asked what a typical day looks like, she responded by saying “AHH, terrible,” giving a little chuckle. She enjoys her busy days, but she acknowledges that they can bring some stress and be overwhelming at times. Alousyes starts her day bright and early between 6-7 AM. Although her classes do not start until 11 AM, she likes to wake up early to give herself some time to get ready for the day and mentally prepare for what’s to come. 

She notes that once she is out, she typically doesn’t come back to the apartment until the end of the day. Her classes typically end in the late afternoon, and she enjoys getting her work done in between classes. After her long day, Alousyes has her little “social hour.” This is the time she makes to meet up with her friends, call family, and just have some quality time with the people that she loves. Last but not least, Alousyes heads to meetings with her business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, or a rehearsal with her dance team here at UMD.  

Although Alousyes appreciates her time with friends and loves to make the most of the clubs she’s involved in, she makes sure to dedicate some well-deserved “me time” at the end of the night. She’ll typically turn on a show and snuggle up in bed after doing her daily skincare routine.

Alousyes at the McKeldin Mall

When asked how she manages her busy schedule, she emphasized the importance of her health. “What I’ve noticed is that the days that I don’t sleep, eat, or exercise well, it ends up slowing me down. When I make time for those things, I feel like everything else just falls into place. I have the energy to do everything I need to, and my mood is so much more calm and positive.”

It was inspiring talking to Alousyes; she’s the definition of discipline and motivation while being a kind-hearted person. To close out our conversation, she shared an interesting fun fact: “This is gonna sound a little crazy, but I may have broken my foot when trying to do a TikTok dance…”

That’s Akshita Alousyes for you: a little bit crazy but always driven to get the task done, even if it means breaking her foot for it!

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