The Archive

(Fall 2018 – Spring 2024)

Academic Stress

  • Perfectionism & Healthy Striving
    Have you ever had a friend tell you that you were a perfectionist? Maybe you recognized some tendencies of perfectionism in yourself. Maybe you even feel like your perfectionism is ultimately a positive thing, contributing toward your successes. There is, however, a difference between perfectionism and “healthy striving,” which is helpfully described (along with useful tips for recognizing and navigating both!) on The Counseling Center’s Resource on Perfectionism & Low Self-Esteem. You really should check out their page, but here are some highlights […] February 2022.


  • An Update on Puppies – A Pupdate, If You Will
    Missing your pets from home? Need a little animal-therapy? Just want to spend some time with some doggos? After having to take a hiatus during 2020 (and a bit beyond), Wags for Wellness is back! [… ]October 2021.


  • Spotlight: A Look Into the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE)
    This summer, we wanted to connect with the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE). It’s been a while since we’ve touched base with them, and we were super-excited to learn about what this year is looking like for them and to hear more about the current services and supports that they are trying to provide. We were thrilled when Tunji Sawyer, MBA and Assistant Director of OMSE, agreed to answer some questions for us […]December 2020.


  • Managing Midyear Stress: A Mini-Guide
    Midterms and final exams can be some of the most difficult and anxiety-producing things you experience as a student – and sometimes we make it worse by turning to unhealthy habits to cope or comfort. All-nighters turn into exhaustion and difficulty focusing; cramming our time with studying can lead to forgetting material. Here are some tips for managing your stress during this time […]



  • That Test-Taking Time of Year
    Terps, most of you will likely be hitting Fall midterms right about now, and you have had a taste of the stress that exams can bring. That stress, as many of you know, is often magnified when you have multiple tests within a few short days of each other. Most of you have also received the typical advice: don’t cram; get sleep; eat good food. Below, we’ve compiled a list of resources that cover all those strategies and more – and we’ve highlighted some of our favorites.

Anxiety & Depression

  • Mental Health Highlight: Free Access to Light (For Shorter Days & Longer Nights)!
    Been feeling down this winter? Seasonal affective disorder – often referred to as SAD or “the winter blues” – is pretty common. Luckily, Terps have access to free Light Therapy Devices! Sarah Wilson, Coordinator for Health Promotion & Wellness Services at the University Health Center, is here to tell us more. December 2021.


  • An Update on Puppies – A Pupdate, If You Will
    Missing your pets from home? Need a little animal-therapy? Just want to spend some time with some doggos? After having to take a hiatus during 2020 (and a bit beyond), Wags for Wellness is back! [… ] October 2021.



  • How I Give Myself Grace When I Struggle With Anxiety (
    It’s so important to give yourself grace and be gentle with yourself when you struggle with anxiety. I tend to get angry with myself when anxiety takes over. Running from my responsibilities and hiding is my first reaction to a stressful situation. I get behind and then berate myself for not being stronger and overcoming it. […]


Diversity, Equity, and Justice


  • Immigrant and Undocumented Student Life: Resources, Support, Community
    This year, Terps Take Care interviewed Rocio Fregoso-Mota, Coordinator for Immigrant and Undocumented Student Life located in STAMP. Find out about resources, programming, and opportunities to connect – and to read some lovely words of encouragement from Rocio! […] February 2024.



  • Campus Spotlight: Hunger-Free UMD Responds to Student Food Insecurity
    It is a hard truth: a lot of Terps don’t get enough to eat. Add a long winter break on top of that – when Dining is closed for a pretty big period of time – and you could be looking at a hungry winter. Luckily, we have Anne-Elyse Pitre, the CCMA AmeriCorps VISTA for Dining & the UMD Campus Pantry, to tell us all about Hunger-Free UMD and the on-campus resources that can help you out. […] October 2021.



  • Spotlight: A Look Into the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE)
    This summer, we wanted to connect with the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE). It’s been a while since we’ve touched base with them, and we were super-excited to learn about what this year is looking like for them and to hear more about the current services and supports that they are trying to provide. We were thrilled when Tunji Sawyer, MBA and Assistant Director of OMSE, agreed to answer some questions for us […] December 2020.


  • Spotlight: A Look into the Nyumburu Cultural Center
    As their website states, the Nyumburu Cultural Center is “the Center for black social, cultural and intellectual interaction” on UMD’s campus. Rooted in community, education, and the arts, Nyumburu offers a variety of exhibits, productions, seminars, academic courses, and creative workshops. Furthermore, Nyumburu provides opportunities for students to connect with their African, Caribbean, African-American, and Black heritages.  Please read on to find the words generously shared with us by Dr Ronald Zeigler, Director at the Nyumburu Cultural Center, describing what students can expect from Nyumburu in the Fall 2020 semester. […]


  • Returning to Campus in Difficult Times
    […] We are still trying to navigate a pandemic, we are trying to be creative in how we socialize and attend classes while staying safe, our country has once again been confronted with its own systemic injustice and racism, and we are entering the final season of our election cycle. […] If you’re feeling out-of-sorts this semester, it’s perfectly natural – just don’t hesitate to reach out for help. […]


  • An Interview with Laura Bohorquez, Undocumented Student Program Coordinator
    n this interview, we hear from Laura Bohorquez, UMD’s Undocumented Student Program Coordinator, about on-campus resources for terps whose lives are touched personally by matters connected to immigration.  She shares practical resources for crises, as well as efforts connected to building community  and a sense of belonging […]

Election Distress

  • Managing Your Mental Health in An Election Year
    […]After already making it through a global pandemic, nationwide economic distress, and significantly altered daily habits and rituals, it would not be surprising if the stress associated to our current election cycle becomes even more intense than usual. So what can you do to try to manage any election-related stress you might be experiencing? […]


  • Returning to Campus in Difficult Times
    […] We are still trying to navigate a pandemic, we are trying to be creative in how we socialize and attend classes while staying safe, our country has once again been confronted with its own systemic injustice and racism, and we are entering the final season of our election cycle. […] If you’re feeling out-of-sorts this semester, it’s perfectly natural – just don’t hesitate to reach out for help. […]


  • Supporting Others Struggling with Mental Health
    Now more than ever, we are likely to know someone close to us who is experiencing mental health struggles – and it can be hard to know how to offer support. Enter Olivia Mays from the Health Promotion & Wellness Service unit in the University Health Center. Olivia coordinates Mental Health First Aid trainings: free opportunities for UMD students to learn more and develop skills for recognizing and responding to folks experiencing mental health concerns. December 2022.


  • Surviving Winter Break.
    After a semester of studying hard, working hard, sleeping less, and/or being stressed, Winter Break can bring a sense of relief. Unfortunately, it can also bring a different kind of difficulty. […]



Interpersonal (Roommaates, Relationships, etc)

  • Supporting Others Struggling with Mental Health
    Now more than ever, we are likely to know someone close to us who is experiencing mental health struggles – and it can be hard to know how to offer support. Enter Olivia Mays from the Health Promotion & Wellness Service unit in the University Health Center. Olivia coordinates Mental Health First Aid trainings: free opportunities for UMD students to learn more and develop skills for recognizing and responding to folks experiencing mental health concerns. December 2022.


  • Making Friends & Coping With Loneliness
    […] We’ve pulled together a list of our favorite tips and insights from a series of articles (links all included). Of course, no one is claiming that these small truths and tricks will make everything magically easier – but they might help, at least a little, in the meantime. ***Need some advice on making friends during COVID-19? Scroll down to #3: Make Plans (and Make Friends).*** […] February 2021.


  • Mental Health Highlight: Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence
    This summer, we got to connect with Grace Boudreau, Coordinator for Outreach & Assessment at Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence. She shares resources for terps whose lives are impacted by (1) relationships with power-and-control issues, (2) incidents of harassment or violence, and (3) much more – along with addressing how to access support. Read on for more information about CARE to Stop Violence, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you or someone you know needs help.


  • An Interview with Olivia Mays, Sexual Health Program Assistant at the UMD Health Center
    In this interview, we chat with Olivia Mays, Sexual Health Program Assistant at the University of Maryland Health Center, about on-campus resources for terps who want to take care of their sexual health. Olivia outlines a number of “edu-tainment” programs, information and safety efforts, kits, and “safer sex goodies”  available through Health Promotion and Wellness Services. She also provides a little bit of insight on what drew her to the work, and how she and other terps can live their healthiest lives. […]


  • Building Healthy Relationships (& Causes of Unhealthy Ones)
    Sometimes we get caught up in the idea that “unhealthy relationships” only refer to abusive relationships. Health, however, is a sliding scale – in relationships, just as in everything else. Even the most physically fit person can find ways to be healthier (like sleeping more, or balancing their meals better, or taking vitamins). Similarly, even the best relationships likely have include some unhealthy behaviors. […]


  • Dealing with Roommates (and Other Conflicts)
    Having a roommate is tough – even when you like each other. And while everyone knows you should just “be direct” when there is a problem, so few of us feel like we have the skills to do it effectively! Here are some suggested tips for having a difficult conversation with your roomie […]


  • Making Friends & Coping With Loneliness
    […] We’ve pulled together a list of our favorite tips and insights from a series of articles (links all included). Of course, no one is claiming that these small truths and tricks will make everything magically easier – but they might help, at least a little, in the meantime. ***Need some advice on making friends during COVID-19? Scroll down to #3: Make Plans (and Make Friends).*** […] February 2021.


Seasonal Distress

  • Preparing for Brighter Days: Spring, Summer, & Mental Health
    Last summer,  HealthyPlace shared an article (with tons of links to additional support!) about how to manage the shifting of seasons. While many of us look forward to summer, it can still be a time of difficulty: we’re dealing with reduced sleep, higher temperatures, and heightened dehydration – all of which impacts our health (even for those summer-lovers out there!) Read on for their June 2021 article,  Nurture Your Mental Health: Tips for a Great Summer […] February 2022.


  • Mental Health Highlight: Free Access to Light (For Shorter Days & Longer Nights)!
    Been feeling down this winter? Seasonal affective disorder – often referred to as SAD or “the winter blues” – is pretty common. Luckily, Terps have access to free Light Therapy Devices! Sarah Wilson, Coordinator for Health Promotion & Wellness Services at the University Health Center, is here to tell us more. December 2021.


  • Starting School & Still Recovering From the Last Few Years
    Welcome back, Terps! It has been an exhausting eighteen months, but we are here for you and for each other! Our hope right now is honor the difficulties that you faced in the last eighteen months, while also providing some practical advice for moving into the new academic year – and some hope.[…] August 2021.


  • Avoiding Illness This Winter (for Your Physical & Mental Health)
    We’ve all heard it a million times since March: wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, six to ten times a day. Don’t touch your face. […] These are some of the best and most obvious tools for staying healthy. […] However, there are lots of other things you can do to support your physical and mental health right now – things that can help support your body’s resilience, strength, and immune response. Make sure you are taking a balanced approach in all the areas outlined below! […] December 2020.


  • Surviving Winter Break.
    After a semester of studying hard, working hard, sleeping less, and/or being stressed, Winter Break can bring a sense of relief. Unfortunately, it can also bring a different kind of difficulty. […]


  • Getting Through the Holiday Blues
    Stressed? Sad? Fatigued? Haunted? Sure, it may be about school, exams, and the cold dark weather – but there may be other elements contributing to your mood. They’re called “The Holiday Blues,” and if you’re experiencing them, you’re not alone – you’re in company with over two-thirds of the population. The reality is: the winter holidays can bring up lots of complicated, difficult feelings for people (even if you’re not celebrating them). […] [resource links included]

Substance Use

  • She’s Only Human: A Disease, Not A Choice (by UMD Student Ketki Chauhan)
    When Demi Lovato relapsed this past summer after six years of sobriety, I remember sitting at my local Starbucks, telling one of my peers about the news. We were discussing Demi’s honesty in her documentary, “Simply Complicated,” that released last fall. Demi admitted to lying to her fans as she continued to use cocaine while promoting a sober lifestyle. She was faking drug tests and even performing hungover at venues, like American Idol. This admission led trolls to make all types of jokes on social media about her use […]



  • Campus Highlight: The Happiness & Wellness Initiative
    This Fall, we’re so happy to introduce Bonnie Miranda, Project Manager for the School of Public Health’s Happiness & Wellness Initiative. Bonnie shares information about H&W Initiative’s awesome events, connections to the campus comfort dog, tips for wellness – and how to become an intern! October 2023.


  • Perfectionism & Healthy Striving
    Have you ever had a friend tell you that you were a perfectionist? Maybe you recognized some tendencies of perfectionism in yourself. Maybe you even feel like your perfectionism is ultimately a positive thing, contributing toward your successes. There is, however, a difference between perfectionism and “healthy striving,” which is helpfully described (along with useful tips for recognizing and navigating both!) on The Counseling Center’s Resource on Perfectionism & Low Self-Esteem. You really should check out their page, but here are some highlights […] February 2022.


  • An Update on Puppies – A Pupdate, If You Will
    Missing your pets from home? Need a little animal-therapy? Just want to spend some time with some doggos? After having to take a hiatus during 2020 (and a bit beyond), Wags for Wellness is back! […] October 2021.


  • Mental Health Highlight: Empowered Yoga for UMD Students
    We are so excited to have gotten a chance to connect with Sarah Grace, UMD’s Coordinator for Fitness Programs, at University Recreation & Wellness. She has been working on a relatively new and very exciting fitness class that focuses on reconnecting the mind and body, and releasing trauma that has been stored in the physical form. This class is for everyone, and Sarah has lots of information to share about it. […] February 2021.


  • Sleep Hygiene for Spring Semester
    For a long time, we’ve been aware of the “culture of busy” infected our lives and routines. Sometimes it feels like, if you’re not smothering under a 27 credit courseload, two internships, three campus organizations and at least one job, you must not be “doing enough” with your time. And unfortunately, one of the main areas that we sacrifice for the sake of “being busy” is our sleep. […]


  • The Video Store
    This isn’t a place you can buy or rent old VHS tapes or DVDs – but it is a highlight reel of some of the great online videos that our students and staff have collaborated on. Below, you’ll find videos from the Terps Talk Mental Health series, which features UMD students who share their own mental health struggles and coping strategies. You’ll also find the Health Center’s video on recognizing and responding to signs of distress that you might see in friends or peers. […]


  • Interview with Jane Jakubczak, Coordinator of Nutrition Services
    In this interview, Jane Jakubczak (MPH, RDN, LDN, and Coordinator of Nutrition Services at the University Health Center) shares a lot of information about how diet is related to physical and mental wellness, reducing shame and fear around talking about nutrition, and why she’s so passionate about it. She also shares how Nutrition Services at the Health Center can help you […]


  • Campus Spotlight: Wags for Wellness
    In this interview, we discuss the Wags for Wellness program, which allows UMD students to connect with therapy dogs up to three times a month, right here on campus! Sarah Wilson, Stress and Mental Wellness Program Coordinator at the University Health Center, coordinates this program, and answered all of our questions below […]


  • Stop Ignoring Your Mental Health: Campus At A Glance
    Even if you’re feeling well and happy, there is no reason to ignore your mental health. In fact, there are hundreds of reasons to start being attentive to it! Here are just a few: (1) Better mental health leads to better physical health. (2) Better mental health leads to increased productivity, focus, and finances. […]


  • Meet Your Case Managers! 2022-2023.
    Ever wonder who is behind the wheel at Terps Take Care – the blog, the newsletters, the resource cards, and more? Why, it’s your friendly neighborhood case managers! Stationed on North & South Campus, we are here to support all residential Terps in a variety of ways. Read on to find out more!


  • It’s Time for the Fair Again!
    Join us for all the amazing activities that the 2023 Mental Health Awareness Week has to offer – culminating in the second annual Self-Care Fair on Friday, October 6, from 12noon to 3pm. […] There will be events all over campus, and they’ll include everything from yoga on the lawn to meeting therapy dogs and more. Plus, there’s usually giant inflatables, crafts, games, lots of giveaways, and free popcorn. You know you want to stop by! August 2023.


  • Supporting Others Struggling with Mental Health
    Now more than ever, we are likely to know someone close to us who is experiencing mental health struggles – and it can be hard to know how to offer support. Enter Olivia Mays from the Health Promotion & Wellness Service unit in the University Health Center. Olivia coordinates Mental Health First Aid trainings: free opportunities for UMD students to learn more and develop skills for recognizing and responding to folks experiencing mental health concerns. December 2022.



  • Mental Health First Aid & SNAP Application Assistance Training
    Looking for something to do after the holidays? This season, we’d like to remind you of two opportunities to help others (and maybe even yourselves). Mental Health First Aid training helps you provide appropriate support to someone who may be struggling with a mental health or substance use problem, and SNAP Application Assistance training teaches you how to help someone apply for SNAP benefits. Both are offered to UMD students for free this winter.


  • Terps Take Care Fair 2021 – Save the Date!
    Save the date for the 5th annual Terps Take Care Fair, an interactive mental health & self-care fair co-sponsored by the Department of Resident Life and the Counseling Center as a part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.
    Join student organizations, campus departments, and community partners in our quest to end the silence around mental health. Learn about how we can take care of ourselves and each other, because we all need help swimming upstream! […]


  • Terps Take Care Fair 2020
    Visit our interactive, virtual mental health fair and help us end the silence around mental health. Learn more about how we can take care of ourselves and each other, while meeting those on campus who are passionate about mental health. We will have unique virtual activities, resources, and giveaways that promote self-care […]



  • Third Annual Terps Take Care Fair – October 10, 2019
    The 3rd annual Terps Take Care interactive mental health fair takes place on Thursday, 10/10/2019 from 11am-2pm on Hornbake Mall. Join people from across our campus and community to learn about self-care and mental health resources and unite against stigma. We hope to create a more open environment in which people are encouraged to speak about their mental health, praised for seeking help when needed, and respected as whole individuals […][check out the main Terps Take Care Fair page for registration, photos]


  • Bigger & Better – Terps Take Care Fair 2018
    The Terps Take Care interactive mental health fair is making its second appearance on Wednesday, 10/3/2018 from 11am-2pm on Hornbake Plaza. The fair is an effort to bring people together around the topic of mental health […]