Blog Prompts for Transnationalism Course
Posts by Group B due on October 14
Comments by Group A due on October 15
Choose one of the following options:
1. What are the benefits and limitations of focusing on the events of one year in regard to thinking about transnationalism? Refer to at least two of the articles about 1968 for this week.
2. To what extent do the texts that focus on Mexico, 1968 develop a transnational framework for their analyses? To what extent does the national(ist) framework shape their analyses?
3. In the article of his we read for this week, John Kraniauskas is concerned with how thinkers engage with different temporalities, ranging from developmentalist thinkers who wish to obliterate temporal heterogeneity in the name of capitalism and progress (see Sarmiento, for example), to thinkers who emphasize disjuncture, return, and hybridity (Bhabha and García Canclini, for example). Consider one of the primary texts we’ve read so far—Cole, Anzaldúa, Satrapi—and discuss how it manages temporal heterogeneity; pay special attention to form.