Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Specialty Crop Producers

The deadline to apply for USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2) is coming up on  December 11, 2020.  Application should be done through your local USDA Farm Service Agency.

More than 230 fruit, vegetable, horticulture, and tree nut commodities are eligible for CFAP 2, along with honey, maple sap, floriculture and nursery crops. Check to see if the crops you grow are eligible through our Eligible Commodities Finder tool.

Learn more at or call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a USDA employee ready to offer assistance.

Food Safety Updates for Maryland Farmers – 11/17/2020

Farm Food Safety Plan
If you have not written a food safety plan for your farm, now is a good time to do so. This Friday, November 20th, the Maryland Food Safety Network is presenting a webinar going into the details of writing a plan. Register with Eventbrite here.

All past webinars are recorded and available to watch on the Maryland Food Safety Network Platforms including Plant Science Food Safety GroupUMD Agriculture Law Education Initiative Food Safety page, and UMD Extension Food Safety Webpage.


Virtual Basic GAP training classes!

Virtual Basic GAP training will take place over two half day sessions:

  • (pt. I) Thursday December 3rd | (pt. II) Friday December 4th 8:15 am – 12:00 pm
  • (pt. I) Monday February 15th | (pt. II) Tuesday February 16th 8:15 am – 12:00 pm

More information and to Register for the event here.


Need FSMA Produce Safety Rule training?
Register for a virtual session of FSMA Produce Safety Rule training to be held on January 19th & 20th, 11:30 am – 5:00 pm. More information and to Register for the event here.

Advanced GAP Classes Coming Up!
The Plant Science Food Safety Group is planning on offering a series of one hour long, advanced GAP topics in February and March 2021. We need to hear from you as to which time of day would be the best. Click on cocktail, lunch, or morning to record your preference.
a. Cocktail hour, 5 – 6 or 6 – 7pm Cocktail
b. I’m sharpest at lunch time, 11 – noon or noon – 1 pm Lunch
c. With my morning oatmeal, 6:30 – 7:30 or 7 – 8 am Morning

We will take your feedback, then set up times, and invite engaging speakers to discuss food safety topics! Stay tuned! Got feedback questions or comments? Contact Carol Allen, 240-994-5043,