Unusual Disease of Garlic Scapes Found in Maryland

Unusual Disease of Garlic Scapes Found in Maryland

By Jerry Brust, UME and Karen Rane, UMD Plant Diagnostic Lab

A grower noticed over the last few years lesions developing on their garlic scapes which then collapsed in the field. In previous years these collapsed scapes amounted to only a small number, but this year the losses are much greater approaching 30%. Symptoms consist of sunken lesions about ¼ to ½ inch long, that cause twisting, girdling and collapse of the scape. Lesions initially are cream to tan-colored but under rainy or very humid conditions, spore production by the fungus causes lesions to turn orange (fig 1). This disease is anthracnose of garlic, a new disease to Maryland and is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum fioriniae. The fungus may survive on crop residue in the soil from a previous garlic crop or the disease may be spread by infected bulbils used for propagation. Disease development is favored by rainy or very humid weather and warm temperatures (78-88o F). Anthracnose of garlic does not affect bulbs, but scape yield could be reduced as will bulbil production.

Fig. 1 Collapsed base of scape with white lesion and orange spores (left) and twisted orange scape stem (right). Photo by M.Mclearen.

Reports from New England indicate that onion is most likely not affected by this fungus. C. fioriniae has also been reported as causing bitter rot on pear and anthracnose on celery and cherry tomato. Crop rotation away from any member of the onion family may help reduce disease incidence. Besides crops, weeds such as common lambsquarters, redroot pigweed, yellow nutsedge and common groundsel may also be infected with the pathogen but be symptomless. Because this is such a new disease of garlic, fungicide recommendations have yet to be determined. However, products that are labeled and effective against purple blight of onion may be useful against this disease.

Tomato Pith Necrosis in Maryland

Tomato Pith Necrosis in Maryland

By Jerry Brust, UME

In the last week a few tomato fields in Maryland were found with the same disease called tomato pith necrosis. Just about all the problem tomatoes were from early planted fields. Tomato pith necrosis is caused by the soilborne bacterium Pseudomonas corrugata. Although in the past this disease occurred sporadically in Maryland, over the last few years it is appearing more frequently. Tomato pith necrosis usually is found in early planted tomatoes when night tempera­tures are cool, but the humidity is high, and often plants are growing too rapidly because of excessive nitrogen application. We have had a spring/early summer with some cool nights and high humidity.

Fig. 1. Beginning of pith necrosis- leaves anywhere on plant can turn yellow. Photo by G.Brust, UMD

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Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Tomatoes

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Tomatoes

By Jerry Brust, UME

A few high tunnels and even a couple of tomato fields have been found with tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in Maryland. The high tunnel finds were not too surprising

but the fields were, as we usually do not see field infections until much later into the season. TSWV has also been found in greenhouse and field production of cut flowers. So it appears this virus is more common this year than it usually is, most probably due to greater thrips populations being present in our greenhouse production areas.

Fig. 1 Tomato leaves with TSWV symptoms

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