Harmonized GAP Videos

The Plant Science Food Safety Group has upload a series of video about Harmonized GAP certification on their YouTube channel found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGIApo2366cds7uWGr6v2Bg

The first video Introduction to HGAP Audits, will  compares MDA GAP to the Harmonized GAP standard. It gives insights on which of the standards are most frequently missed during an audit and the fees associated with an HGAP audit.

The second recording is on writing a risk assessment for harmonized GAP.  The harmonized GAP standard may require as many as seven risk assessments, depending on the farm practices including: land use history and adjacent land use, water systems, animal activity, soil amendments, pre-harvest, allergens, and produce washing. These assessments begin by identifying the hazards, including the actions taken to prevent the hazards and the monitoring of those actions. Written risk assessments must be reviewed annually or sooner if there are changes in the farm practices or land use.
The new Harmonized GAP standards and checklist can be found here: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/auditing/gap-ghp/harmonized. As there are many changes in the 2021 standard, farms operating under an existing HGAP plan will need to upgrade their plans before their audit this year. The new standards take effect on May 1st, 2021