UME May Vegetable & Fruit Newsletter and Sweet Corn Needs Assessment Survey

The May issues of the UME Vegetable & Fruit Newsletter is now available.
You can download it and past issues here: 

This issue has information about:
– June Vegetable insect scouting Tips
– Leafminers on Spinach, beets and Swiss Chard
– Edema Problem in Greenhouse Tomatoes
– Two Spotted Spider Mites in Strawberries
– Efficacy of Common Active Ingredients in Organic Insecticides
– How to Disinfect Stakes
– Blueberry IPM
– Primocane Blackberries
– Spotted Wing Drosophila Updated Insecticide Efficacy Chart
and more.

If you grow sweet corn please consider filling out the Corn Earworm Management in Sweet Corn Needs Assessment Survey.

Dr. Kelly Hamby, Associate Professor/Extension Specialist with the Department of Entomology at University of Maryland is leading a team of researchers who have developed a survey to prioritize research and extension efforts for improving corn earworm management in sweet corn throughout the Northeast. We appreciate your participation in this survey and will use results to develop a grant proposal to try to get federal funding to address these needs.

Survey link:

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